Classic Day Camp: There's a different theme every week, and in addition to arts, crafts, and games, students will go swimming, have fun on and off campus experiences, and enjoy an abundance of outdoor activities. Day camp is separated into a kindergarten group, a 1st-2nd grade group, and a 3rd-5th group, and all activities are adapted for each age group. Every camp is 9am-4pm.
Themes by week: 6/24-6/28 "Lights, Camera, Action" 71/-7/5 (no 7/4) "Soak Up the Sun" 7/8-7/7/12 "Folks & Folklore" 7/15-7/19 "Inner Artist" 7/22-7/26 "The Final Frontier" 7/29-8/2 "Cool Critters" 8/5-8/9 "The Hero in All of Us" 8/12-8/16 "Music Mania"
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Camp Information
06/24/24 to 06/28/24
07/01/24 to 07/05/24
07/08/24 to 07/12/24
07/15/24 to 07/19/24
07/22/24 to 07/26/24
07/29/24 to 08/02/24
08/05/24 to 08/09/24
08/12/24 to 08/16/24
Full Day
9:00 AM to
4:00 PM
5 to 12 years
K to 5th
Full Price: $470.00
Opens: 02/15/2024
Closes: 06/24/2024
, Director of Auxiliary Programs