PUDDLESTOMPERS Camps are full of active nature fun! Our experienced teacher naturalists guide children in nature discovery and play through hands-on exploration, active movement, outdoor play, craft, stories. Located at PUDDLESTOMPERS Nature Center in South Newton.
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Camp Information
06/20/22 to 06/24/22
06/27/22 to 07/01/22
07/05/22 to 07/08/22
07/11/22 to 07/15/22
07/18/22 to 07/22/22
07/25/22 to 07/29/22
08/01/22 to 08/05/22
08/08/22 to 08/12/22
08/15/22 to 08/19/22
08/22/22 to 08/26/22
Half Day
9:00 AM to
1:00 PM
4 to 9 years
Full Price: $480.00
Early Drop-Off (8:20-9am) & Extended Day (1-3pm) options available every day!
Students bring a NUT-FREE packed lunch and snack.
Opens: 01/01/2022
Closes: 09/02/2022
PUDDLESTOMPERS Nature Exploration
PUDDLESTOMPERS Nature Exploration
, Director of Operations