Blue Mountain Ranch Summer Camp

Blue Mountain Ranch Summer Camp

Camp Description
Blue Mountain Ranch is a privately owned residential summer camp located near the base of Pike Peak in Florissant, CO. For the past 79 years BMR has been enriching lives of children from across the country and globe. Founded on the idea of participation over competition, providing a welcoming environment for all. BMR is a fun safe place where kids can be kids while leaving the stresses of home and technology behind to reconnect with childhood in the great Colorado outdoors. We are the camp you’ve been looking for!
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Parent Reviews
Whitney Baughman Harper
Dec 20 2023
Blue Mountain Ranch is the greatest place on earth! I was a camper in the '80s and can still remember the crisp morning air as we lined up to say the Pledge of Allegiance before entering the Mess Hall for breakfast. The days were filled with amazing activities including horseback riding, hiking, rappelling, archery, arts and crafts, canoeing, fishing, tennis, low and high ropes course, and many more. My children have also attended BMR for ten years and counting. My oldest son has been a counselor for the past two years. We are from Texas and there is nothing better than spending your summer in beautiful Colorado. BMR has been a blessing to our family and it could be to yours too! Since it is family owned and operated, you have direct contact with the family and staff. Sign your kids up now, you won't regret it! It's the best!
Colin Parker
Jan 19 2024
My name is Colin Parker, I am a former camper and counselor at Blue Mountain Ranch (BMR) of 15 years, and I think you should take a chance with this summer camp because it could be a positive, life changing experience for your child as it was for me. BMR will not be the largest you’ll see or the one with the most modern amenities. There’s no A/C, no cellphones, and most importantly no internet. Instead of coming from REI, the bunks that the kids sleep on were meticulously handcrafted by Camp Director Tim Graf. The very buildings that kids slept in half a century ago, the foundations of the camp itself, were built by former campers, and are still dotted around with each telling a story of their own. No, the camp is not made for Hollywood, and perhaps it actually all sounds quite simple; but in a world where the simplest things are often the most difficult, Blue Mountain Ranch manages to get it all right. It’s a place where kids can have fun without the pressures and expectations of the modern world and social media. It is a place where they will learn life lessons that they will carry forever, such as the invaluable opportunity to learn the basics of how to live and operate independently at a young age. It is a place full of love like a familys’: fellow campers, counselors and administrators that are on the ground and really do care about the wellbeing and happiness of the kids (many of the counselors are former campers who know how much BMR is something to cherish!). And, it is an important chance for self-discovery for anyone who may feel lost, whether it’s a campfire story or a moment of reflection after some adversity or just being lost in a moment of competition on the athletic field. For me personally, I have met some of my best friends to this day, enjoyed some of my highest highs, overcome my lowest lows, and picked up a love of the outdoors and a sky full of all the stars that I carry everywhere I go. It has well and truly made me a better, more complete person. Blue Mountain Ranch is one of the special treasures I have been blessed with in my life, and I hope you and your child give it a chance.
Camp Information
06/07/25 to 06/22/25
06/25/25 to 07/16/25
07/19/25 to 08/03/24

9:00 AM to 7:00 PM
7 to 15 years
1st to 12th
Full Price: $3,450.00
Other Price: $4,700.00
Other Price: $3,650.00


We provide an educators, first responder and military discounts. They vary in amount due to session.


Three nutritious meals are made from scratch each day by our chef. No-one leaves meal time hungry.

Opens: 10/01/2023

Closes: 07/19/2024

Tim Graf , Director

11227 County Road 98 Florissant CO 80816